Yamaoka Genrin (山岡元隣)

Genrin YAMAOKA (1631 to August 19, 1672) was a haiku poet and an author of kana zoshi (novels written for women and children using kana rather than Chinese characters to make them understand easily) who lived during the early Edo period. His name was Shinzaburo.

Though Genrin was born into a rich merchant family in Kyoto, his body was so weak that he abolished the family business, studied Sinology and medicine, and devoted himself as a town doctor. He studied under Kigin KITAMURA, also mastered Haikai (Seventeen-syllable verse) and Japanese studies. His book "Takaragura" (Treasure warehouse), said to be the pioneer of haiku essays, had a big influence on future generations.

Among his story books in Kana were "Tagaminoue" (Upon his and my Bodies), "Kosakazuki" (Small Wine Cup), poem collections such as "Minorakusenku," commentaries such as "Kashirakaki KAMO no Chomei Hojoki" (An Account of My Hut), "Yononaka Hyakushuchu" (Commentaries to 100 Poems in the World) and so on.

[Original Japanese]